Monday, May 13, 2013

Road Etiquette 101

Today my training called for a 15 mile bike ride.  I knew what route I wanted to take, but wanted a visual of the mileage so I drove the road first.  While on the back road of the route I was coming to an  incline with a "do-not-pass" stripe in the middle. Coming towards me IN MY LANE were two runners. I slowed as I got closer, yet neither one moved over.  I was forced to cross the center line even though I could not see if another car was coming at me up and over the hill I was on.  Needless to say it was dangerous on the runners' behalf to not pay attention to their surroundings.  

I went home, grabbed my bike and headed out.  About 10 miles in I came upon the same two runners. One was literally running in the middle of the lane.  Her running partner was close to the white line, but not in the bike/run lane.  Again as I approached neither one of them moved over to the side! I couldn't believe it.  I was forced to ride the center line to go around them. This road does not see a lot of traffic, but is not completely remote either.  For the life of me I do not know what these runners were thinking.  

Basic Rules of the Road:

Road Runners:  Run against the flow of traffic.  Stay as far to your left as possible, but remain visible.  If you must pass someone, announce "on your right" then safely pass and get back to the left.  Remember, this is for road running.  Trail runners stay right, as the trail allows, and pass on the left as you are able.

Road Bikers:  Bike with the flow of traffic.  Stay as far to your right as possible, but remain visible.  If you must pass someone, announce "on your left" then safely pass and get back to the right.  Again, this is for road biking.  Trail biking is like running, stay to the right, as the trail allows, and pass on the left as you are able.

Please use common sense, and be respectful of others.  For your safety and mine.

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