Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Hubs vs. Me

He's a little bit country.
I'm a little bit rock 'n roll.

He's great at being spontaneous.
I planned this blog post for over a month.

He has the memory of an elephant.
I don't remember the right kids' name 99.9% of the time.

He is focused.
I am focu...SQUIRREL!

He wakes up ready to talk...loudly.
Please don't require me to speak before 8am 9am.

He can sit and watch TV or play video games for days! (ok hours)
I can't sit still for longer than 3.89 seconds.

He can't sleep without 10 blankets weighing him down.
I feel trapped under 4.

He is digging having teenagers.
I'd rather be changing their diapers still.

He likes to cuddle.
I like my space.

He's a risk taker.
I tend to play it safe....although I did say "I Do" to this crazy guy!

He challenges me and makes me better. Seems to me we were meant for each other, and I appreciate our differences, most of the time.  We are coming up on 23 years of marriage. It isn't always easy, but we like each other and have fun :)

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