Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Be Awesome

I’ve been hanging on to this picture on my desktop for a few weeks now.  I wanted to answer it, but I was stuck on trying to get it down to only two words. Two words don’t feel sufficient. 

Instead, these are what came to mind:

·      Don’t be afraid of your future
·      God cares about what you care about
·      Believe in yourself
·      You are worthy of beauty
·      You are worthy of love
·      DANCE
·      You have special qualities to offer others
·      Living for God does not mean living by do’s and don’ts
·      Be kind to everyone
·      You are not the judge of others
·      Steer clear of peer pressure
·      Enjoy life
·      Don’t worry
·      DREAM BIG
·      Take risks
·      Go on a trip with friends
·      Find your passion and GO FOR IT
·      Love yourself…God does
·      Get uncomfortable with average
·      Grow as a person continually
·      Always be learning
·      Try new things

What I realize now is I couldn’t have known a lot of this then.  I wasn’t mature enough.  Hadn’t experienced enough life.  I had not walked the hard, rough road of adulthood to be able to determine, even a little bit, what was really important.  My foundation had yet to be built.

So, instead of lamenting over my younger self not having these ideas shared with me I will share them with my own kids.  I can be an example of taking risks, and finding my passion (even at the ripe ol’ age of 42).  I’ll show them that it’s ok to be unsatisfied with average. They will know that they should BE AWESOME in whatever it is God has called them to.  Isn’t that what we learn about in the parable of the talents? The one that was awesome with the talent he was entrusted with lived a blessed life!

I can DREAM BIG and show them it’s ok to want more, to do more.  I will tell them they are worthy of good things. They will hear from me they are beautiful and handsome.  I will help them see their talents and gifts and ways they could use them.  They will know that no matter what they do or don’t do I will always love them.  God will always love them.  I will point them towards their Creator so they can find themselves in Him, thus knowing what plans He has for them.

This question really was deeper and more meaningful to me than it was originally intended when I found it floating on Facebook. 

I’m in a season of my life where I’ve had enough of going through the motions.  I’m ready to come alive in what God created me to be.  In all of the reading, listening, introspect, watching, learning, praying, and just being still, I know who I am.  I like it. It’s exciting, and scary, and wonderful, and challenging.  I’m ready.

So, in two words to my younger self I’d say:

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