Thursday, August 28, 2014

Be Brave. Be Strong. Don't Give Up.

My husband is a business owner.  He has been for many, many years.  We have experienced the highs and lows of being in the construction business. Lately the lows have had enormous financial repercussions that are completely out of our control, and it weighs heavily on us.

To some, being your own boss may seem easy.  You get to call the shots, take time off freely, and have some financial success. There are benefits we reap and it is rewarding most of the time, but the cost and responsibility of doing business can be a heavy burden.  Lately that burden is keeping my husband awake at night.  It causes me to be anxious for him, and for our business.  

There is no security in this life.  What I am confident in is the fact that God has never left us, nor forsaken us.  I know He is with us, even ahead of us, every step of the way.  He is always for our good although it does not always feel like it.  But, being in the Refiner's fire is better than trying to walk this out on our own.  I trust that He has great plans in store for us, and we won't always be in this trench.  

I have been wrapping the book of Psalms around me recently.  David sure experienced some highs and lows.  Yet, in it all he was honest with God about his current situation, and prayed boldly for a rescue while praising Him just the same.  I need this daily reminder that I can approach the throne boldly for God knows my heart.  I do not know what is going to happen, but I know God is in control.

Please, be encouraged today and know that God is FOR YOU! He loves you, and wants to draw you to Him in all things.  Not just the bad times, but the good times too.  

Now go. Be brave! Be Strong! Don't give up!

In His Strength,


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