Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Practicing Thankfulness

My hubs and I are entering into a battle.  A battle which will involve lawyers.  A battle that will cost us money we don't have.  A battle, I fear, is one of those situations where "the-one-with-the-deeper-pockets" will win.  A battle I look at and wonder what was the point of spending time, energy and resources on this project?  And, if I'm being honest, a battle I want to say, "Really God"? 

Now, I know all of the Christian lingo and the right things I am supposed to say in this type of situation.  But, come on, haven't you looked at a trial in your life and wonder "Why me"? (This is where we are supposed to say, "Why not me?" right?).  I do not want this.  I do not want to watch my husband carry the weight of this. So, what am I to do?  Well, God shows up every time and reminds me.  This morning as I opened my Jesus Calling devotions this is what I read:

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18-Rejoice always, pray continually, give THANKS in ALL circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 

And then this scripture came to mind:

James 1:2-4-Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides.  You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors.  So don't try to get out of anything prematurely.  Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.

So, as He has once again gently shifted my worrisome, and whinny, heart towards Him I AM thankful.   I am checking my "substructure of trust".  I will have a thankful heart not only for the blessings in my life, but the situations He allows to strengthen my faith and reliance on Him.  It honestly feels better to live in thankfulness rather than worry.  Try it.  It isn't always easy, but it's worth it.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Hubs vs. Me

He's a little bit country.
I'm a little bit rock 'n roll.

He's great at being spontaneous.
I planned this blog post for over a month.

He has the memory of an elephant.
I don't remember the right kids' name 99.9% of the time.

He is focused.
I am focu...SQUIRREL!

He wakes up ready to talk...loudly.
Please don't require me to speak before 8am 9am.

He can sit and watch TV or play video games for days! (ok hours)
I can't sit still for longer than 3.89 seconds.

He can't sleep without 10 blankets weighing him down.
I feel trapped under 4.

He is digging having teenagers.
I'd rather be changing their diapers still.

He likes to cuddle.
I like my space.

He's a risk taker.
I tend to play it safe....although I did say "I Do" to this crazy guy!

He challenges me and makes me better. Seems to me we were meant for each other, and I appreciate our differences, most of the time.  We are coming up on 23 years of marriage. It isn't always easy, but we like each other and have fun :)

Monday, July 22, 2013

Stop Waiting for the Perfect TIme | It Won't Happen

"If you wait for perfect conditions, you'll never get anything done!"

I couldn't have said it better myself, so I thought I'd let this word speak for itself.  
You can find more at:

July 22, 2013
Progress or Procrastination?
Lisa Allen

Unhealthy habits had crept their way into my life. At first it was only occasionally, but then it became easier to stay home rather than head to the gym. I turned a blind eye to how much sugar I was eating. And dinner from a drive-through became more convenient when I was in a rush.
After a few months in this downward spiral, I knew it was time to reintroduce healthy habits. But then the excuses started: I know I should work out, but this just isn't a good time for me ... I have two trips coming up and then there's that birthday dinner for my friend this weekend. And everyone knows that Mondays are the best day to start a good habit!
This pattern of thinking gives me permission to eat unhealthy foods and put off exercise. Somehow I justify that I will ultimately be more successful if all the conditions are perfect for me to improve my health. Perhaps it's my selfish nature that screams, "I want what I want when I want it." The truth is, if I know I should take steps toward healthier choices, then my response should simply be to ask myself, "What can I do today?" and then do it. I don't have to have a plan for a month or even a week ... only today.
As I've observed this pattern of procrastination within myself, I find when faced with a desire and necessity to make a change for the better, sometimes I wait until I can do it perfectly before I'm willing to begin. Scripture tells us though "If you wait for perfect conditions, you'll never get anything done!" (Ecclesiastes 11:4).
I don't know about you, but I struggle with feeling that perfection is unreachable, so I push my goals to the back burner.
We wait to start consistent quiet times until we feel like getting up earlier. We wait to clean our house until there is a convenient weekend. We wait to join a small group until our schedules open up. We wait to begin a healthier lifestyle until the holidays are over.
Taking that first step is the hardest and yet most important step. Even a baby step toward a goal is better than staying in place. Aiming for progress rather than perfection can be quite freeing. So, I can't run a marathon. But I can lace up my sneakers and go for a walk. And while my home isn't in spotless, I can wipe down the counters and put away the piles of laundry around my living room. Yes, there are still dishes in the sink, but I have to start somewhere, right?
God is teaching me that I can make progress in the midst of less-than-perfect circumstances. While I still want to do things with excellence, a friend once told me I need to be willing to "take a B instead of an A+" on some things in life, and that helps bring perspective when excuses start to rise up. Plus, I'm learning to overcome my tendency for excuses by telling myself imperfect action is better than perfect procrastination.
There may never be a perfect time to get organized, eat less sugar, and workout more. However, we have to begin somewhere. The perfect place to start is where we are today.
Father, You know me so well, and I confess to You I've been avoiding obedience by waiting for things to be easier, better and more convenient. I recognize this as disobedience and ask You to forgive me. Give me the strength to focus today on this area of obedience. Let me know that You are providing all I need to take this step today and tomorrow, as I continue this journey with You. Amen.
Related Resources:
Unglued by Lysa TerKeurst

Our newest Online Bible Study, What Happens When Women Say Yes to God by Lysa TerKeurst, will be studying the perfect companion book to help you stop procrastinating and start progressing! Click herefor more information and to sign up.
Visit Lisa Allen's website for more encouragement.
Reflect and Respond:
What area of procrastination are you wrestling with? Whatever it is, choose to take one step toward your goal. Share it with your spouse, friend or mom and ask them to help you live this truth: "Imperfect progress is better than perfect procrastination."

Power Verses:
Ecclesiastes 7:8, "The end of a matter is better than its beginning and patience is better than pride." (NIV)

Proverbs 31:27, "She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness." (ESV)
© 2013 by Lisa Allen. All rights reserved.
Proverbs 31 Ministries
630 Team Rd., Suite 100
Matthews, NC 28105

Saturday, July 13, 2013

It Takes Effort

I have a question for you.  Do your relationships need work?  I mean, can you ignore the relationship, think about it only when things start going awry, or put effort into it only when you feel like it?  I've never heard anyone say, "Gosh, you don't have to work on your marriage.  You guys have it all together!" RIDICULOUS RIGHT? 

So, please tell me why I hear people saying things like, "You don't need to work out or watch what you eat. You are in such good shape"! Is it sort of a compliment they are trying to give? If you have worked diligently, and had to overcome obstacles to get where you are, wouldn't you be a bit discouraged if someone made light of it by saying you DON'T need to work at it?  Most of us are not blessed with the "skinny" gene where we can eat what we want, not workout, and not gain a pound.  Most of us have to be mindful every single day of our health.  We plan and schedule our workouts.  We plan and prepare meals and snacks in advance.  It takes work.  Just like the best relationships take time, energy, and conscience awareness all of the time, so does our health!

Photo courtesy of Cross Training Couture

I hope what I'm saying reminds us all to look deeper into someone's life when the surface appears to be perfect. I would rather be noticed for overcoming obstacles, than appearing to have it all together. Do you feel inspired by someone who overcomes their obstacles, or someone who appears to be perfect?  If you are ever tempted to say such a thing stop yourself.  Instead let them know they are a great motivator to you to be healthy.

It brings me great joy to inspire others, lead by example, and cheer others on.  I will be real with my ups and downs.  Making an effort in fitness and health is a daily choice , and it doesn't always come easily.  There are days when time is not on my side, or I really don't want to make the effort.  I would rather people be encouraged by my struggles and victories, than appear to have it all together.   In doing so, I hope to build others up and encourage them to move every day, eat right, and in turn be an example to others.  What an amazing chain reaction that would be!