Thursday, May 30, 2013

Failure to Launch

Teddy Roosevelt "The Man in the Arena" Paris 1910

Oh, to be this person who is marred by dust, sweat, and blood and still forges ahead.  I write this as I think about all of the things I want (or think I want) to be doing different and new.  I can not quiet the voices in my head that drown out my dreams and ideas.  My quick, short bursts of confidence melt into a paralyzed fear.  It is an odd place to be in, and keeps me in limbo.  I have yet to commit to one idea or dream and go with it. 

Fear of failure.  This blog post speaks directly to the subject.  I urge you to read it.  One of the blog author's statements that have stuck with me is this:  “I’ve come to learn is this:  the seeming failures over time, seem to bring more fruit than the successes”.  He, Morgan Snyder, goes on to say,  “and each time failure comes, it’s not that the failures hurt less.  It’s that they hurt better.” 

We succeed and fail in life, all the while esteeming success over failure.  “The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat.  Both are essential.”  Morgan says then goes on to ask, “(am I) choosing to live in a way that requires God to show up?” Good question! Am I timidly making safe choices every day and/or shying away from challenges all together?  What choices could I be forging ahead with that would require my God to show up in my weakness? 

Baby steps.  I say all this to encourage those that want to do more, but either don’t know where to start or are afraid to take the next step.  Let’s not live a life without risks. I’ll close with this last question posed by Morgan:

"Are you risking enough to be acquiring a healthy mosaic of failures?"


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Creating Goals and Bringing Them to Life

Can 30 days really change your life?  Well, of course it can.  For good and for bad. Expected or not.  But, I'm not looking to go that deep I just want to share with you a  30 day challenge that is helping me navigate my life right now.

I joined this challenge partly out of curiosity, and partly because a month ago I was really feeling intimidated by all of the thoughts and conversations I was having about what I want to do with my life.  I'm a slow learner, deep thinker, and a Type A list maker.  This program has helped me focus in on what I need to pursue and change in my life to get to where I want to be.  I'm not finished with the process by any means and honestly will be taking some time to review everything I've learned, what I've written to myself, and most importantly bring it before God for His direction.

The online service is FREE!  It is a daily video that really doesn't take very long...I'd say at the most 10 minutes.  The first few days of "homework" take some time, but then it gets easier.  Honestly, this challenge took me longer than 30 days because I didn't watch the videos everyday, but today I finished Day 30.  

I don't know if it will help you or not, but it doesn't hurt to check it out.  I've realized that personal development is very important to me right now and this has been a great first step in my journey.  I wanted to share it with you in case it was right for you as well! Like I said it is FREE so no harm no foul ;)

Click here for Chalene Johnson's 30-Day Challenge to master organization and achieve your goals!  Then comment on my Facebook page A Balanced Life with Sandi Hull and let me know if your in or not! I'd love to cheer you on!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Road Etiquette 101

Today my training called for a 15 mile bike ride.  I knew what route I wanted to take, but wanted a visual of the mileage so I drove the road first.  While on the back road of the route I was coming to an  incline with a "do-not-pass" stripe in the middle. Coming towards me IN MY LANE were two runners. I slowed as I got closer, yet neither one moved over.  I was forced to cross the center line even though I could not see if another car was coming at me up and over the hill I was on.  Needless to say it was dangerous on the runners' behalf to not pay attention to their surroundings.  

I went home, grabbed my bike and headed out.  About 10 miles in I came upon the same two runners. One was literally running in the middle of the lane.  Her running partner was close to the white line, but not in the bike/run lane.  Again as I approached neither one of them moved over to the side! I couldn't believe it.  I was forced to ride the center line to go around them. This road does not see a lot of traffic, but is not completely remote either.  For the life of me I do not know what these runners were thinking.  

Basic Rules of the Road:

Road Runners:  Run against the flow of traffic.  Stay as far to your left as possible, but remain visible.  If you must pass someone, announce "on your right" then safely pass and get back to the left.  Remember, this is for road running.  Trail runners stay right, as the trail allows, and pass on the left as you are able.

Road Bikers:  Bike with the flow of traffic.  Stay as far to your right as possible, but remain visible.  If you must pass someone, announce "on your left" then safely pass and get back to the right.  Again, this is for road biking.  Trail biking is like running, stay to the right, as the trail allows, and pass on the left as you are able.

Please use common sense, and be respectful of others.  For your safety and mine.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Fully Alive

Lately I have been actively pursuing some desires God has given me. It has been a long journey. Partly because I needed a heart change and some time to grow in my faith, but also because I have doubted and just plain ignored the desires for a long time. In my Bible reading this morning this jumped out at me fresh and new. I wanted to share it with you:

Matt 27:65
“Take a guard,” Pilate answered. “Go, make the tomb as secure as you know how.”
66 So they went and made the tomb secure by putting a seal on the stone and posting the guard.

We live like this sometimes in our walk with God.  I have heard God give me direction, and out of fear, insecurity, or lack of faith I have rolled a stone over my heart, sealed it and posted the guard of disobedience.  I know the end of this story though.  Jesus comes right out of that sealed tomb.  Nothing can hold Him back.  If I don’t let Him use me I will miss out on joy and blessing in this life, and He’ll give the job to someone else.  I pray that when I want to roll a stone over what God’s doing in my life, I will resist the temptation.  Instead I want to stand fully alive outside of the tomb of disobedience.

What about you?  Are you living fully alive?  We've been created with gifts and purpose. Let's not waste our lives worrying about what others may think, or believe the lies we listen to inside our heads about not being smart enough or good enough to do what it is we long to do.  Remove that sealed stone from your life and do something crazy like live, REALLY LIVE, your life!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Dreaming for a Future

My husband and oldest son, Trevor, set out on a 14 day journey yesterday.  They are headed to Townsville, Australia to help YWAM* with a much needed renovation project. Originally, Doug and I considered taking this trip together.  The logistics of family life did not make it easy for both parents to be gone for so long, so Doug suggested that Trevor join him.  

A little bit about Trevor.  He is 17, and a junior in high school.  He is part of a "school-to-work" program this trimester, and has always enjoyed working with his dad on construction type projects.  Not only does he like it, but he is wired for it.  

During the planning of this trip it began to take on a whole new meaning to me.  As parents we wonder from early on what our kids will grow up to be.  When they enter high school we begin to help them look to their future selves and start dreaming about their careers and life after they graduate high school.  Trevor has decided that he wants to work for the family business when he graduates.  No aspirations of college life, and I'm ok with that...for now. I didn't venture out on my own or go to college when I graduated.  I want my kids to have the experiences.  As I started reading about YWAM and all that they do it hit me.  WHAT IF? What if this trip is a stepping stone for Trevor?  I started praying that God would open Trevor's eyes and heart to this possibility.  I also talked to Trevor about this, and encouraged him to think about it while he was over there.  I'm pretty excited.  I don't know if he will choose this path, but I'm praying about it.  I don't believe it is by coincidence that his education and ability to go on this trip right now has all come together at this time.  God has a purpose for our lives. 

Maybe, just maybe this is a glimpse of his future.  If I'm wrong that's ok.  It's still a trip of a lifetime! Nothing wrong with praying and dreaming for our his future with a BIG God at the helm!

*Youth with a Mission (YWAM) is a worldwide Christian movement operating in more than 1,000 locations in over 180 countries, with over 25,000 full time staff since 1960. YWAM is a Christian charity that offers global opportunities for volunteers from diverse backgrounds to serve, care, build and connect with individuals and communities. YWAM is decentralised in structure and financially autonomous. This allows each centre to adapt and to serve the specific needs of the community.
YWAM values individuals’ rights to quality of life. The shared motivation is to provide people with:
  • Access to good health care
  • Food, drinking water and shelter
  • Opportunity for education
  • Expression of culture, arts and entertainment
  • Healthy relationships
  • Exposure to Christian faith and values
  • Fair and productive government
  • Opportunity to work and develop